
Abstract Submission Guidelines

The scientific committee welcomes the submission of scientific abstracts.

Authors are invited to submit abstracts in the following areas of interest:

  • Diagnostic imaging pertaining to IR
  • Neurointervention
  • Interventional Oncology
  • Hepatobiliary Intervention
  • Musculoskeletal Intervention
  • Paediatric Intervention
  • Vascular Intervention
  • Non-Vascular Intervention
  • Nursing
  • Radiographer

Abstract submitters may select your preferred final presentation format:

  • Oral Presentation
  • E-poster Presentation

There is no limit to the number of abstracts you may submit, but you may not submit on the same study/data set to be presented in one or more format as mentioned above. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The committee reserves the right to select the abstracts relevant to the sessions and must decide on the final form of presentation.

Please provide the date of the co - authors (name, affiliations). Ensure that all author information is included and entered correctly. Please provide the abstract body text. The abstract body is limited to a maximum of 300 words which is approximately 1600 characters. Depending on whether your abstract is a Research based abstract or a Case Report, the body follows the following format. Do note that no payment of registration fee is required if you wish to submit an abstract. Author can submit more than one abstract in your respective accounts.

Please refer to the sample in this announcement for your submission.

Research / Case Report Format -

  • Purpose / Introduction
  • Materials and Methods N/A
  • Results / Report
  • Conclusion
  • Ensure that all changes, corrections, and proofreading have been carried out before submission.
Abstract Submission Opens : 20th February 2025
Abstract Submission Closes : 15th April 2025
Author Notification of Acceptance : 30th April 2025
Deadline for successful abstract submitters to register : 15th May 2025
*Accepted abstract submitters will be entitled to early bird registration fee

Abstract Guidelines

  • The submission of the abstract is required to be in the English language.
  • The abstract should be formatted with a font size 12 point and double spacing.
  • Encore abstracts are prohibited.
  • Please provide the precise title of the abstract.
  • The title must be written in uppercase and is restricted to a maximum of 640 characters.
  • Kindly provide the particulars of the co-authors, including their names and affiliations. Verify that all author details are present and accurately entered.
  • Kindly include 3-5 keywords to accompany your abstract.
  • Please provide the main content of the abstract. The abstract body is restricted to a maximum of 300 words, equivalent to approximately 1600 characters, for research purposes. The abstract body for a case report is restricted to a maximum of 200 words.
  • The abstract for a case or research report should be separated into different parts, as outlined below:

Original Article / Case Series Format

Original Article

  • Background
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusion

Original Article Template

Case Series

  • Introduction, Report and Conclusion all in one paragraph

Case Series Template

The Objective and Conclusion need to be consistent with those in the main text and should use the same wording. The results should present the main outcomes of the study using specific numerical data (e.g., absolute numbers and/or rates) with appropriate indicators of statistical uncertainty, such as 95% confidence intervals or p values. P values should never be presented alone without the actual data that are being compared. Do not use reference citations in the abstract. Abbreviations should be minimized and, if used, must be defined within the abstract by full terminology followed by abbreviation in parenthesis.

For medical terms such as proper nouns, generic names of medicines, and units of measurement, use the original term. The use of acronyms and abbreviations is discouraged and should be kept to a minimum. When used, they are to be defined where first used, followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses. Measurements and laboratory values should be in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).

Ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors), and, unless inappropriate, report the sex or gender of study participants, the sex of animals or cells, and describe the methods used to determine sex or gender. If the study was done involving an exclusive population, for example in only one sex, authors should justify why, except in obvious cases (e.g., prostate cancer). Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity and justify their relevance. 

The names and locations (city and state or country) of manufacturers of equipment and non-generic drugs should be given.

Ensure that all changes, corrections, and proofreading have been carried out before submission.

Notification of Acceptance

  • The review of abstracts will be completed within one week after the deadline for abstract submission.
  • The Scientific Committee will assess all abstracts.
  • The Committee has the authority to choose the abstracts and determine the sessions and final format of presentation.
  • The Committee's verdict is final.
  • The announcement of the results will take place on 30th April 2025.
  • Every author whose abstract has been accepted MUST register as a delegate for the congress before 15th May 2025 in order to present their work during the event.
  • Top 15 highest scoring abstracts will be notified via email and will be entitled to free registration to the Annual Scientific Meeting 2025.
  • Other accepted abstracts presenter will be extended with Early Bird Registration rate. The secretariat will provide the special registration link in the email.
  • The top 15 free registrations is an educational initiative by an unrestricted sponsorship by Canon Medical Malaysia and Siemens Healthineers.



The organisers of this event take no responsibility for any published abstracts submitted. Any issues or errors arising from the abstracts are solely the responsibility of the authors.By submitting their work, the author(s) give permission for the abstracts to be published, transfer and assign to the Congress the rights to edit, publish, reproduce, distribute copies, and create derivative works such as press releases. The author(s) confirms that they are the only author(s) of the work and that all authors have contributed to and agree with the content and conclusions of the work. Furthermore, the work is original and does not violate any copyright, proprietary, or personal rights of any third party. If the work is not original, the author(s) must acknowledge the original source and confirm that all necessary permissions and authorizations for reuse have been acquired.

If you have any inquiries, kindly direct them to abstractmysir@gmail.com via email.